Participates in Master Planning Process
More than 350 University faculty, staff and students offered their
ideas, concerns and suggestions regarding a new master plan for
the institution during a two-day forum last month in the Student
The "Charrette," a term used by architects and designers
to describe an intensive effort to complete a project before a deadline,
hosted by the University Master Planning Committee, provided an
opportunity for the campus community to talk directly with representatives
from Saratoga Associates, the firm developing the plan.
Blueprints for all major University buildings and a variety of site
maps of the University were on view during the two-day event. Participants
were encouraged to write ideas and suggestions on the plans, as
well as to provide answers to a series of questions, such as "What
do you consider the heart of the campus?"
The "Charrette" culminated with a presentation of emerging
concepts presented by Michael Rudden of Saratoga Associates. Initial
ideas focused on a wide range of short-term and long-term projects,
including the upcoming renovation of the Student Center and Wayne
Hall, renovations to the Science Building, Shea Center and the Rec
Center, and possible relocation of campus departments made possible
by the opening of the building at 1600 Valley Road.
"We’ve come a long way as an institution over the past
few decades," said President Arnold Speert. "We now need
to take stock of our needs."

Senator Fred Thompson Speaks at University
Senator Fred Thompson |
Former Tennessee Senator Fred Thompson presented
a lecture as part of the University’s Distinguished Lecturer
Series on February 14 in Shea Center. He spoke of his years in the
Senate, of the declining economy, and our nation’s possible
move to war with Iraq.

University Plans Event for Students Graduating
in May
A Graduation Salute, designed to provide an opportunity for graduating
seniors and graduate students to take care of their commencement
needs at one time and one location, will be held on campus on March
25 and 26 in Billy Pat's Pub in the John Victor Machuga Student
Representatives from a wide variety of University offices, including
alumni relations, career development, graduate services, and the
registrar, will be on hand to answer questions and provide services.
Students graduating in May 2003 are encouraged to participate and
pick up their caps and gowns, invitations and tickets for commencement,
scheduled for May 20. The Graduate Salute is sponsored by the University
and Josten’s.
Hours for the Graduation Salute are 11:00 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. on Tuesday,
March 25 and 1:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. on Wednesday, March 26. For
additional information, contact Francisco Diaz, Campus Activities,
at x3244.

Linda Gazzillo Diaz, exercise and
movement sciences, traveled as a member of the medical staff with
the United States Olympic Biathlon Team to the 2003 World University
Games in Tarvisio, Italy, in January. This was her second of four
medical staff assignments with the United States Olympic Committee.
Her fourth and final assignment will be as part of the medical staff
for a future winter or summer Olympic Games…Dwayne
Fray, a senior majoring in finance,
was one of five award winners at the Harvard National Model United
Nations Conference in February. Fray was one of 14 students on the
William Paterson Model United Nations Team who participated in the
event. Stephen Shalom,
political science, is the team’s advisor.
Speaker Forum on Forgiveness
Presented by University’s Clinical Psychology Program
Frederic Luskin, author of Forgive
for Good, will present a lecture on Wednesday, March 26 at
6:30 p.m. at William Paterson University in Wayne. The program,
in Science Hall room 200 B, is free and open to the public. The
event will concentrate on the nature and importance of forgiveness
for emotional and physical health as it relates to the reduction
of depression, stress and anger while increasing hope, well-being
and confidence. (More

Campus Club Honors
African American Poet
Members of the Essence Club, the student
English club, held an open mike night on February 19 in honor
of the African American poet Langston Hughes. Here, the club’s
president, Lori Michael, reads some of Hughes’ work. |
Christos Cotsakos to
Speak at DLS on March 28
--Tickets Available at Shea Center Box Office

Christos M. Cotsakos |
Dr. Christos M. Cotsakos, who served as chairman of the board and
chief executive officer for E*TRADE Group, Inc. from 1996 to 2003,
will speak as part of the Distinguished Lecturer Series at William
Paterson University on March 28. His lecture is titled "Changing
the Rules of Engagement."
Tickets for the lecture are available at the Shea Center Box Office.
To purchase tickets, please call the box office at 973-720-2371 between
10:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m.; prices are $26 standard; $24 for senior
citizens and William Paterson faculty, staff and alumni; $10 for William
Paterson students; and $14 for students from other schools. Parking
is free. (More
University Celebrates
Women’s History Month
A tenth anniversary celebration of
the Women's Center, and lectures and films are scheduled for March
as William Paterson University observes Women’s History Month
on the campus in Wayne.
Fun with Peter and the Wolf
on March 8
Family fun takes center stage when the Pushcart Players bring to
life the traditional Russian folktale Peter
and the Wolf at William Paterson University
in Wayne on Saturday, March 8. The performance, recommended for
ages five and over, begins at 2:00 p.m. in the Shea Center for Performing
Arts on campus. Tickets are $5 for adults 18 and over with free
admission for children. Parking is free. (More

Jazz Room Series Concludes 25th Anniversary Season
with Latin Jazz on March 9
The University’s Jazz Room closes
its 25th anniversary season with electric violinist Susie Hansen
and the William Paterson University Latin Jazz Ensemble under the
direction of Chico Mendoza on Sunday, March 9 at 4:00 p.m. in the
Shea Center for Performing Arts on campus in Wayne. (More

Brings his Poetry to Campus
The poet and
actor known as muMs, who played the fictional character "Poet"
on the HBO series Oz, read his poetry in a Poetry Slam
held on February 24 in the Machuga Student Center Ballroom as
part of the University’s observance of African Heritage
Month. |

Board of Trustees
Approves Faculty Promotions
Promotions for 18 University faculty
were approved by the Board of Trustees during its February
22 meeting. Promotions are effective September 1, 2003.
From Assistant Professor to Associate Professor
Yingcong Dai, History
Angela Delaura, Art
Althea Hylton-Lindsay, Secondary and Middle School Education
Kathleen Korgen, Sociology
Claire Leonard, Biology
Timothy Liu, English
Henning Schneider, Biology
Eric Steinhart, Philosophy
Janis Strasser, Elementary and Early Childhood Education
Melkamu Zeleke, Mathematics
From Associate Professor to Professor
Jamsheed Akrami, Communication
Mary Baumgartner, Sociology
Michael Chirichello, Educational Leadership
Robert Lawson, Marketing and Management
John Mason, Political Science
David Miller, Mathematics
George Robb, History
Bruce Williams, Languages and Cultures |
Men's Basketball's NJAC Championship Reign
Comes to an End
Shawn Blakewood |
WAYNE, NJ (Feb. 26) - William Paterson's
quest for an unprecedented fourth consecutive New Jersey Athletic
Conference men's basketball championship was thwarted when it lost
to Montclair State, 70-66, in the conference tournament semifinals.
The Pioneers, who ended their season with a 19-7 record, battled
back from an 11-point deficit in the final 3:08 and tied the game
at 66-66 before MSU pulled away. Senior guard Shawn
Blakewood scored a career-high 25
points. (More

Clegg Captures Backstroke Crown at Metropolitan
PISCATAWAY, NJ – Freshman Kristin
Clegg (Lincoln Park, NJ/DePaul Catholic) made a big splash
at the 2003 Metropolitan Conference Swimming and Diving Championships
held at the Sonny E. Werblin Center on the campus of Rutgers University.
She won the 100- and 200-yard backstroke championships, which helped
her qualify for the NCAA Championships being held March 13-15 at
Emory University in Atlanta. (More

2003 Baseball Preview: Pioneers
Thinking Big This Spring
Much of his pitching staff returns, his infield is full of proven
players and he has three of the region’s best outfielders.
No wonder 29th-year baseball coach Jeff Albies feels so optimistic
about his 2003 Pioneers (27-12, 12-6 NJAC in 2002). (More

Women’s Basketball Ends Encouraging Season
The Pioneer women’s basketball team (12-13, 9-9 NJAC) showed
plenty of progress in 2002-03, coming within a game of qualifying
for the postseason while finishing fifth in the competitive New
Jersey Athletic Conference. Senior guard Katie Morris
set school career (265) and single-season (109) records for steals,
while senior forward Jeanine Day (46) became the
single-season leader in blocked shots. (More

2003 Softball Preview: Pioneers Hoping for Another Season of Firsts
In 2001, the William Paterson softball team won
its first regional championship and made it to the NCAA Division
III Softball Championships. Last spring, they finished the regular
season atop the New Jersey Athletic Conference for the first time
in school history. For an encore, the Pioneers will look to build
upon their championship precedent by relying on six talented seniors.

Bradley, Welch Set School Records at NJAC Indoor Track and Field
NEW YORK (Feb. 23) – Sophomore Lisa Welch
(Midland Park, NJ) and freshman William Bradley
(Nutley, NJ) both etched their names into school annals at the 2003
New Jersey Athletic Conference Indoor Track and Field Championships
in the New York Armory. Welch was also named All-NJAC honorable
mention after finishing third in the weight throw.
to efocus Update
efocus Update is a new forum for all faculty
and staff wishing to post notices of events for the University community,
and replaces our e-mail newsletter WPUpdate. Please send your
e-notices of events to efocus@wpunj.edu
for publication every two weeks.
Now through March 7
Ben Shahn Galleries: Three exhibits:
Jung Hyang Kim, abstract works; "Life with Pocket Change and
Other Pleasures," an exhibition of Artists' Books (continuation
of fall 2002 exhibit); and Shelley Himmelstein, paintings; on view
through March 7, 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., Ben Shahn Center, x2654.

Now through May
Free Computer Workshops: Free computer
workshops for faculty and staff are sponsored by the Office of Human
Resources, Professional and Organizational Development. The first
classes will begin on Feb. 25, with workshops in Word, Excel, Access
and Powerpoint offered during the upcoming months. For more information
or to register, contact Diane Davidson x3555, davidsond@wpunj.edu.

March 3
Catholic Campus Ministries: Opening
reception of Gesu' Bambino in Art
at the Prince of Peace Chapel. The Exhibit opens with a Lecture
by Dr. Jon Boshart at 5:00 p.m. and is followed by a reception.
The exhibit continues Monday to Friday 10:00-6:00 p.m., through
March 10, 2003. Call x3524 for further information.
CEDL: Certified
Medical Assistant. Fee: $4000. Dates: Monday-Friday; March
3 - July 18, 2003.
Times: 8:30 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. CEU’s: 60.0 CEU’s; 600
contact hours. Location: Mon., Tues., and Wed., Science Room 322;
Thurs. and Fri., V1022; instructor: Yolanda Eveniou. Please call
x2436 for information regarding fee.

March 4
Women's History Month: Opening
Ceremony, 12:30-2:00 p.m., Machuga Student Center Ballroom.
Keynote address by Professor Linda Gordon, NYU, women's historian
and feminist activist. Contact x2946 or ww2.wpunj.edu/womenscenter.
Chemistry and Physics Seminar Series:
Dr. Sabina Abbrent, Department of Chemistry, University of Uppsala,
Sweden, “Chemistry in Sweden: A Historical Perspective,”
12:30 p.m. refreshments, followed by seminar at 12:45 p.m., Science
Hall 433, for more information contact Dr. S.H. Chung x3458; ChungS@wpunj.edu.
Languages and Cultures Faculty Lecture Series:
Dr. Gregory Shepherd, Latin American Area Studies Program, "Alvar
Nunez Cabeza de Vaca - Transcultural Hero or Conqueror in Sheep's
Clothing," another lecture by Spanish major Denia Izaguirre,
6:00 p.m., Student Center 324-325, all presentations in Spanish.
For more information, call x2516.

March 5
Women's History Month: Women
of Summer, 5:00 - 7:00 p.m., Cheng Library Auditorium. Documentary
about the Bryn Mawr Summer School for Women Workers. Contact x2946
or ww2.wpunj.edu/womenscenter.
Graduate Open House: 5 - 7 p.m., Machuga
Student Center Ballroom. Prospective students will have the opportunity
to meet with program directors, tour the campus and discover resources
available to students. For more information, contact Tinu Adeniran
at x2764, or e-mail at adenirant@wpunj.edu.
Philosphy Department Colloquium Series:
Eric Steinhart, philosophy, "Pythagoreanism," 3:30 - 5:00
p.m., Atrium 126. Questions? Contact Pete Mandik at x2173, mandikp@wpunj.edu.

March 6
Women's History Month: Commemoration
of International Women's Day, 12:30 - 2:00 p.m., Machuga Student
Center Ballroom. Contact x2946 or ww2.wpunj.edu/womenscenter.

March 10
Women's History Month: Colonize
This! 2-4 p.m., Machuga Student Center Ballroom. Readings by
editors Daisy Hernandez, WPUNJ alum, and Burshra Rehman, Adriana
López, Erica González Martínez and Lourdes-Marie
Prophete. Contact x2946 or ww2.wpunj.edu/womenscenter.

March 11
Career Fair 2003: All
students and faculty are invited, 10:00 a.m.- 2:00 p.m., Machuga
Student Center Ballroom and Atrium Lobby. For more information call
x 2282 or 2281.
Women's History Month: Dr.
Eliza Michalopoulou, Women and Science Lecture, 12:30 -2:00 p.m.,
Science 319 (Reading Room). Dr. Michalopoulou's talk is entitled
"Tracking whales and finding submarines in the ocean."
Contact x2946 or ww2.wpunj.edu/womenscenter.
Chemistry and Physics Seminar Series:
Dr. Armando Howard, Goddard Institute of Space Science, NASA, “Climate
Change: Hot Air or Hot Water?,” 12:30 p.m. refreshments, followed
by seminar at 12:45 p.m., Science Hall 433, for more information
contact Dr. S.H. Chung x3458; ChungS@wpunj.edu.

March 12
Women's History Month: State
Assemblywoman Loretta Weinberg, 12:30-1:45 p.m., Machuga Student
Center Ballroom. Lecture on "Women and Politics." Contact
x2946 or ww2.wpunj.edu/womenscenter.
March 13
Women's History Month: Sandi
Cooper, 12:30-1:45pm, Machuga Student Center Ballroom. Lecture on
the history of women and the peace movement. Contact x2946 or ww2.wpunj.edu/womenscenter.

March 25
Women's History Month: Women's
Center 10th Anniversary Celebration, 12:30-2 p.m., Machuga Student
Center Ballroom. Contact x2946 or ww2.wpunj.edu/womenscenter.
Women's History Month: Careers in
Women's Studies Panel, 7:00 - 9:00 p.m., Atrium 258. Contact x2946
or ww2.wpunj.edu/womenscenter.
Chemistry and Physics Seminar Series:
Professor Jun Zhang, Courant Institute and Department of Physics,
New York University, “Playful Flexible Structures in Moving
Fluids: Dynamics of Flag-in-the Wind and Continental Drift,”
12:30 p.m. refreshments, followed by seminar at 12:45 p.m., Science
Hall 433. For more information contact Dr. S.H. Chung x3458; ChungS@wpunj.edu.
Women’s History Month: "The
ERA: Unfinished Business for the Constitution," a documentary
screened in the David and Lorraine Cheng Library auditorium followed
by a lecture by Roberta W. Francis, Founding Chair of the ERA Task
Force, National Council of Women's Organizations. A discussion will
follow the film and lecture. Film, 7:00 p.m. Refreshments, Paterson
Room, 8:30 p.m. For more information call the Women’s Studies
Department at x3547.
March 25 and 26
University Honors Program: Informational
meetings will be held on Tuesday, March 25 at 12:30 p.m. and Wednesday,
March 26 at 2:00 p.m. Both meetings will be held in Science Hall
319. Undergraduate students of all majors are invited to attend
at the more convenient date/time to learn about the various tracks
of the University Honors Program. The seven tracks of the Honors
Program include Biopsychology, Cognitive Science, Humanities, Life
Science and Environmental Ethics, Music, Nursing, and Performing
and Literary Arts. The tracks are not a major, but are a distinctive
set of courses designed to add breadth to, and reinforce, a student's
chosen major. For more information, contact the University Honors
Program office, Hunziker Hall, Room 105-A, x3657.
March 30
Catholic Campus Ministries: Asian Mass
commemorating the Asian New Year, followed by traditional Asian
foods and decorations, 7:30 p.m., CCM Chapel x3524.

April 9
Philosphy Department Colloquium
Series: Robert Talisse, Vanderbilt University, Can
Value Pluralists be Comprehensive Liberals? 3:30 - 5:00 p.m.,
Atrium 126. Questions? Contact Pete Mandik at x2173 mandikp@wpunj.edu.

April 15 to July 1
CEDL: Real Estate Salesperson License.
Fee: $399. Tuesday and Thursday, 7:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m. CEU’s:
7.5 CEU’s; 75 contact hours. Location: Valley Road Building,
instructor: Robert Aman. For more information call x2436.

efocus March 1, 2003
Editor: Mary Beth Zeman
Managing Editor: Barbara E. Martin
Associate Editors: Brian Falzarano
Phillip Sprayberry
Web Editors: Terry Ross
Yuri Marder
Design: Bob Verbeek
Yuri Marder
Photo Credits: Bill Blanchard
Rich Green
Craig Phillips
Steve Smith
Marketing and Public Relations, College Hall 240,
Phone: 973-720-2444, Fax: 973-720-2418
