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Sheila Collins, political science, was recently named to the international advisory board of the Toda Institute for Global Peace and Policy Research, and was invited to become a participating member of the Global Ecological Integrity Group (GEIG). Both groups bring together international scholars from diverse disciplines who are engaged in cutting-edge research on issues of war and peace, and ecological concerns. Her paper, “Closing the Boxes, Enlarging the Circles: Toward a New Paradigm of Global Governance and Economy,” will be published by the Toda Institute, an independent, nonpartisan, nonprofit organization committed to the pursuit of peace through dialogue. Collins also presented a paper, “Interrogating and Reconceptualizing Natural Law to Protect the Integrity of the Earth,” which will be published by the Cambridge Scholars Press next year, at a recent GEIG conference.

“Crossing Boundaries, Chapter II of Here & Now: Chinese Artists in New York,” is a new exhibit featuring the work of Ming Fay, art, currently on display at the Museum of Chinese in America from November 18 through January 4, 2010.

The Puerto Rico Symphony peformed La Cancion de las Antillas, a three-movement symphony by Raymond Torres-Santos, dean of the College of Arts and Communication, on November 7 in Symphony Hall in San Juan. Torres-Santos also gave a pre-concert talk.

Puerto Rico Symphony photo
Raymond Torres-Santos (right) , dean of the College of Arts and communication, addresses the Puerto Rican Symphony

Ashley Putman, an American soprano known for her wide-ranging repertoire, and expressive acting, presented a vocal master class for students and singers from the area on October 29.

Photo of vocal master class
University music students meeting with Ashley Putnam, who gave a master class on campus. From left: Lauren Pearson; Elizabeth Kane; Putnam; Jaclyn Klein; Stephanie Irven, and the faculty coach accompanist Mary Pinto

Librada Sanchez, women’s center, and Arlene Scala, women’s and gender studies, were honored recently by the Women’s Rights Information Center. They received The World is Moving Award, presented as a “testament to their contribution to the vision of equality first articulated by Elizabeth Cady Stanton, a first-wave feminist and the founding mother of the women’s equality movement.” They were honored with other directors and coordinators of women’s centers and women’s studies departments in the region.

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