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Communication Department to Hold Telethon to Raise Funds for Charity

Photo of WPTV crew
Left to Right: Students Kris Almquist, Steven Eccles, Kirk Smith, Paul Toumey, and Jovanny Rosario

The Communication Department’s student-run television station WPTV-6 will be holding its semiannual telethon to raise funds for the Make-A-Wish Foundation on December 3 from 10 a.m. to midnight.

Those wishing to contribute may make a donation, or purchase raffle tickets. Prizes will include an Xbox 360, an iPod touch, Rock Band for the 360, and a 10 megapixel digital camera. The prize-winners will be announced at midnight, as well as the total amount raised. The most recent telethon raised $1,500.

During the telethon numerous student-produced shows will air including News@Noon, Sports Junkies, Divide and Conquer and College Cooking. Programming will continue all during the event, which expands the normal schedule, and guests are invited to be a member of the studio audience for the shows airing live in Studio A and B.

Donations will be accepted in the Hobart Hall Lobby. WPTV-6 will periodically send out representatives to the main campus throughout the day to get the word out about making donations. The event will be broadcast live on channels 6 and 76.

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