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In Memoriam

Photo of Virginia Taylor
Virginia Taylor
Virginia Taylor, associate professor, marketing and management sciences, died on November 11. She was appointed to the faculty in September 1998. Taylor was director of the M.B.A. program for several years, and taught a wide variety of marketing and management classes including courses on organizational theory, international management, global marketing, and management principles.

“The thing she did best was mentoring new faculty,” says Susan Godar, a professor and colleague in the marketing and management sciences department. “Virginia was a wonderful collaborative author, willing to share research ideas and help others develop their own projects.”

Taylor earned a bachelor’s degree in accounting and general management from Thomas Edison State College, an M.B.A. in accounting and finance from Monmouth University, and a doctorate in international business from Temple University. She was a member of the American Accounting Association; the Academy of International Business; the International Trade and Finance Association; and the International Academy of Business Disciplines. Taylor was nominated for the 1997 Farmer Award for the best dissertation in international business.

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