Sherre Mczorn (left) and Naima Ricks selling t-shirts to raise funds for Haiti |
On a clear, sparkling, warm, spring day, 70 students and other members of the campus community participated in a campus walkathon to raise money for victims of the January 12 earthquake in Haiti.
The Walk for Haiti, held on April 8, was one of a series of events organized by student organizations, athletic teams and various campus departments under the name Help for Haiti, and held over the past few months, that have raised funds for the small island nation. This walk began in front of the John Victor Machuga Student Center and wound around campus. Along the way, the walkers could stop and reflect in designated spots.
Coca Cola donated drinks for the participants, and Sodexo donated fruit. The walk ended in the Cheng Library Auditorium where a documentary about Haiti was screened. DJ Nix provided musical entertainment in Zanfino Plaza.
All funds were donated to the American Red Cross Haiti Disaster Relief Fund. The event was sponsored and organized by the Student Government Association (SGA).
“We raised a little over $630 at the Walk and we are now over the SGA semester goal of $5,000 for Help for Haiti!” says Jess Pepe, president of the SGA. “The SGA Legislators, members of SAPB, and art major Vanessa Campos all did an incredible job helping to run the event. The community really came out with so much enthusiasm for a great cause.”
Francisco Diaz, assistant vice president for campus life, signing up to walk for Haiti |
Anita Osei (left) and Shane Whitty, sign up walkers |
Max Sainvil,(left) leads the Walk for Haiti |