Former U.S. Senator George Mitchell
To Speak As Part Of William Paterson University’s 24th Season
Of The Distinguished Lecture Series
—Mitchell Replaces Former General Wesley Clark As Speaker
George Mitchell, a former U.S. Senator and
an expert on the evolving European community, will speak about "Our
Changing Relations with Europe" on November 21 as part of William
Paterson University’s 24th Distinguished Lecturer Series.
Mitchell replaces Gen. Wesley Clark, a candidate for President who
last month cancelled all pre-scheduled, non-political speaking engagements
to focus on his campaign.
A limited number of single tickets may be available at the Shea
Center Box Office. For ticket availability, and to purchase single
tickets, please call the box office at 973-720-2371 between 10 a.m.
and 5 p.m.; prices are $26 standard; $24 for senior citizens, William
Paterson faculty, staff and alumni; $10 for William Paterson students;
and $14 for students from other schools. All lectures begin at 8
p.m. in Shea Center on campus; parking is free.
Mitchell served as one of Maine’s senators from 1980 to 1994.
He worked with Sen. William Cohen to achieve authorization of the
settlement of the Maine Indian land claims. He also championed important
bills including the first major acid rain bill, reauthorization
of the Clean Air Act, the Americans with Disabilities Act, Superfund
toxic cleanup legislation, campaign finance reform and universal
health care.
Since his retirement from the Senate in 1994, Mitchell has remained
active in international politics. In 1995, President Clinton appointed
him special advisor to the President of the U.S. and secretary of
state for economic initiatives in Ireland. He developed the Mitchell
Report, which called for a phasing-out of guerilla weapons in Northern
Ireland in addition to calling for elections prior to the opening
of peace talks. In 1998, he completed his mission with the signing
of a three-stranded multilateral peace agreement. For his service
in Northern Ireland he has received numerous awards and honors including
the Presidential Medal of Freedom, which is the highest civilian
honor bestowed by the U.S. government.
Mitchell is the author of four books. The most recent, "Making
Peace," was published in 1999. He also participates on committees
and boards both domestically and abroad. In December of 2001, he
accepted an appointment as overseer of the American Red Cross Liberty
Fund. This organization provides relief for September 11 attack
victims and their families.
William Paterson’s Distinguished Lecturer Series is presented
by the William Paterson University Foundation, the Student Government
Association and the Student Activities Programming Board. Distinguished
Partners include: Automatic Data Processing Inc., and Record/Herald
News. Benefactors include: BAE Systems-CNI; CIT; Interchange Bank;
Mercedes-Benz USA LLC; Nicholas Martini Foundation; Pfizer; PSE&G;
and the William Paterson University Alumni Association. Patrons
include: Aventis Pharmaceuticals; Castrol Consumer North America;
ECI; Hoffman-La Roche, Inc., J. P. Morgan Chase Bank; ITT Avionics.
Sponsors include: AAA-NJ Automobile Club; Bacon and Graham, Inc.;
Becton Dickinson and Co.; Bograds; Bristol-Myers Squibb; CNA; Commerce
Bank; Conoco Phillips Bayway Refinery; Barbara and Robert Evans;
Gerber & Samson, Attorneys; JVC Americas Corp.; McBride Enterprises,
Inc.; Edward Meier and Paulette Arnold; Merrill Lynch; Minolta;
The Opper Group; Passaic County Educational Council; Leon and Paula
Rosenblum; Daryl and Stephen Roth; State Farm Insurance Companies;
Toshiba America Consumer Products, Inc.; Trust Company Bank; United
Water New Jersey; United Yarn Products Company, Inc.; Valley National
Bank; Verizon; Washington Mutual; Willowbrook Management; and Wyeth.
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- For
Further Information, contact:
- Mary
Beth Zeman, Director, Public Relations 973-720-2966