William Paterson University to Observe
Women’s History Month
Lectures, performances, an essay contest for writers and knitting
lessons are some of the events scheduled during March as William Paterson
University observes Women’s History Month on the campus in Wayne.
Inspiring Hope and Possibility: A Writing Contest
The Women’s Center is sponsoring an essay contest in which participants
are asked to write in 500 words or less about a woman who has inspired
hope and possibility. Essays are to be submitted to the Women’s
Center by email by March 11, 2004. First, second, and third place
winners will be invited to read their essays at the closing ceremony
on March 25. All participants will have their essays displayed in
a booklet at the luncheon. For further information about the essay
contest, contact the Women’s Center at (973) 720-2946 or at
March 2
Magazine Editor Debbie Stoller to Speak
at Opening Ceremony
The Women’s Center will kick off Women’s History Month
on March 2, 2004 at 12:30 p.m. in the Student Center Ballroom with
an opening ceremony which includes a keynote speech by Debbie Stoller,
one of the co-founders of BUST magazine, a feminist magazine that
ties together pop culture, feminine pastimes, and feminism for young
girls. It is one of the first and most successful forums for the voices
of the third wave of feminism. Stoller is also the co-founder of the
knitting group, Stitch’n Bitch.
March 3
Knitting Lessons for Students
Learn to knit from expert knitter Sheri Newberger, women’s center,
assisted by Charlene Lovegrove, library and Kris Owens, library. Limited
seating available. Noon, Paterson Room, Cheng Library. Pre-registration
is required, call 973-720-2946.
March 4
Khaliah Ali to Speak
Khaliah Ali, the daughter of former heavyweight champion Muhammad
Ali, will present a lecture on March 4, 2004 at 12:30 p.m. in the
Student Center Ballroom. Ali is a Ford Model and humanitarian who
has traveled the world to lobby for important causes. In 2003, Ali
launched her own apparel line on the Home Shopping Network. Her line
incorporates multicultural influences from her global upbringing.
MEISA Women in Music Night
Enjoy the sounds of Neo-Soul recording artist Stephanie Renee and
comedian Julie Goldman as they perform and show that “women
rock!” The event will be held in the Machuga Student Center
Ballroom at 8 p.m.
March 6
7th Annual Sister to Sister Conference
“Acknowledging the Queen Within: Uplifting Ourselves by Conquering
Our Fears.” The keynote speaker is Sister Souljah. The conference
will be held from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. in the Machuga Student Center
Ballroom. Registration required, please call x3675.
Monday, March 8
Film: Fire (A Lesbian Love Story), 7 to 9 p.m., Cheng Library Auditorium.
Sponsored by the Women’s Studies Department.
March 9
International Women’s Day
Author Meena Alexander to Present a Lecture
Meena Alexander, author, poet and professor of English and women’s
studies at Hunter College, will lecture on March 9, 2004 at 12:30
p.m. in the Machuga Student Center Ballroom. Alexander will speak
about her books Fault Lines, an autobiography, and Illiterate Heart.
Fault Lines highlights themes that occur in Alexander’s poetry.
Alexander was born and raised in India and moved to New York in 1979
with her husband. She has published seven volumes of poetry.
Wednesday, March 10
Knitting Lessons for Students
Learn to knit from expert knitter Sheri Newberger, assisted by Charlene
Lovegrove and Kris Owens. Limited seating available. Noon, Paterson
Room, Cheng Library. Pre-registration is required, call 973-720-2946.
Thursday, March 11
Ann Day Presents Lecture on Women Artists
Ann Day, an art historian, will present a slide program on March 11,
2004 at 12:30 p.m. in the Cheng Library Auditorium. “Uncommon
Women” covers artists from the 17th century to the 20th century
who overcame prejudices in their time to acquire education in the
arts and attention, exhibitions, and buyers for their work. Sponsored
by Students of Life.
Monday, March 22
Film: Bend
It Like Beckham, 7 to 9 p.m., Cheng Library Auditorium. Sponsored
by the Department Women’s Studies.
March 22 to April 16
In Honor of Women’s History Month
: Three Galleries of Textile Arts
South and East Galleries: “American Art Quilts;” Court
Gallery: “Crossing the Line: Wearable Art;” 10 a.m. to
5 p.m., Monday through Friday, Ben Shahn Galleries.
March 23
Women in Politics
Meet female politicians and learn how they have made a change and
how you can too. The program will be held at 12:30 p.m. in the Machuga
Student Center Ballroom.
March 24
Performance Artist Ingrid Rivera Presents
Lágrimas de Crocodrilo/ Crocodile Tears
Ingrid Rivera, a performance artist, will present a one-woman show
on March 24, 2004 at 6 p.m. in the Student Center Ballroom. Rivera
is a black, Latina poet and performing artist whose one-woman show
contains monologues about childhood abuse, lesbianism, and raising
a child. Rivera received the Stonewall Award for Political Leadership
and Empowerment in 1998 for her work on issues such as environmental
rights, welfare rights, and lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender
March 25
Closing Ceremony
The Women’s Center will mark the end of Women’s History
Month with a closing ceremony on March 25, 2004 in the Machuga Student
Center Ballroom at 12:30 p.m. The event is held as a ceremony to honor
women. Winners of the essay contest will read from their works. All
participants in the writing contest will have their essays displayed
in a booklet at the luncheon. For more information, call 973-720-2654.
March 30
Careers in Women Studies, a Panel Discussion
To be held from 7 to 9 p.m. in the Atrium, room TBA. Sponsored by
the Department of Women Studies.
For further information about these events, please contact the Women’s
Center at (973) 720-2946 or at womenscenter@wpunj.edu.
# # #
- For
Further Information, contact:
- Mary
Beth Zeman, Director, Public Relations 973-720-2966