Work sessions for educators interested in learning about the discipline of lesson study, a professional learning process for teachers to examine and improve their instructional methods and enhance the quality of education in the classroom, will be held at William Paterson University in Wayne on November 20 and 21, 2008.
“Building a Professional Learning Community: Lesson Study Work Sessions” will be held at the University’s building at 1600 Valley Road in Wayne. The fee is $250 for a two-day registration and $125 for a one-day registration.
Lesson study, called jyugyokenkyu in Japanese, is a professional learning process used to systematically examine instructional methods, teaching content and curriculum, as well as the student learning and understanding processes, in order to achieve their educational goals.
“One of the key features of lesson study is that teachers collaboratively study instructional materials and develop a small number of research lessons that are implemented in actual classrooms with students,” says Makoto Yoshida, a William Paterson University adjunct professor, and director of the University’s Center for Lesson Study. “Those research lessons are observed and discussed with colleague teachers and other educators to determine the effects of the lessons on student learning and understanding. The practice of lesson study has a long history in Japan.”
During the work sessions, participants will have the opportunity to learn about lesson study’s principles, how to build the collaborative processes that allows teachers to learn from their peers, and develop the observational skills needed to learn from their students. Participants also will see a demonstration of lesson study in action and speak with teachers who have implemented this professional learning discipline. Sessions will be led by Yoshida and collaborate with teachers from the Northern New Jersey Lesson Study Group.
The conference is sponsored by William Paterson’s Institute for Teaching, Learning and Leadership. To register for the conference, contact the University’s Center for Continuing and Professional Education at 973-720-2354.
October 23, 2008